December Ab Challenge

I can’t believe December is already here! I decided to do an ab challenge this month since I’ve really been slacking lately.

The way I decided to go with the challenge is time. Each move is done for a minute before you move onto the next. That way you’re working at your own pace, fitting how many you can in that minute. Repeating each round 3-5 times and repeating the circuit 3-5 times a week.

-In & outs
-Leg raises

-Oblique twists
-Full sit ups
-Leg raises

-Side plank
-Reverse crunch
-Standing oblique crunches

-Side plank
-V ups
-Mountain climbers

Don’t be upset if you can’t plank a whole minute. I couldn’t plank 15 seconds when I first started. Do what you can, pause your timer if needed and start where you left off. Take 30 seconds to a minute rest between moves and sets if you need to. Work at your own pace.

Feel free to take before and after pictures ! It’s the best way to see a difference for me. If you post on Instagram make sure to hashtag #momstaysfitchallenge so I can see!

Remember to eat healthy most of the time and drink lots of water! It’s okay to indulge every now and then but abs are made in the kitchen!

Let’s make December our month! No need to wait for the new year!
Stay healthy and active!

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